A Tale of Two Parties and A Lesson Learned at the President's Joint Address

Between the yellow and blue and the Pepto-Bismol pink outfits and that one Dem with the purple hair…let’s just call it “colorful” and move on, shall we?

A Tale of Two Parties and A Lesson Learned at the President's Joint Address
President Trump addresses a Joint Session of Congress, March 4, 2025 - Photo: White House

There couldn’t have been a wider divide between the Rs and Ds last night, and the President has realized what that means for him going forward.

The President’s Joint Address to Congress has just finished and the network Talking Heads are flapping their gums about how this was an unabashedly partisan speech—and they’re right. It started before he reached the podium as he was coming in, and continued as he was leaving the hall.

Throughout the speech, the Democrats sat there, looking constipated (or in Pelosi’s case, like she’d just had a Code Brown in her adult diapers), refusing to stand or even applaud American heroes, victims or survivors like the bitter losers they are. They screeched, they hissed, they booed, they held up little Wile E. Coyote-esque signs saying “False” or “Save Medicaid.” Early on, they got so rowdy Speaker Johnson threatened them with the Sergeant at Arms. When that didn’t work, Johnson had Rep. Al Green (D-TX) removed.

I was hoping he’d actively resist, but he didn’t. He can’t even create a ruckus properly. What a disappointment he is! At least one influencer has already called for his censure and expulsion, and Speaker Johnson has raised the possibility —wouldn’t that be fun?

Unlike the Serbian opposition, who threw smoke bombs to disrupt their Parliament, the loser Dems just sat there after Green got shown the door. Pathetic and boring!

The only time they showed any positivity at all was when the President started talking about Ukraine. As Rep. Adam Morgan (R-SC) tweeted:

“The Democrats didn’t clap for a secured American border…or ending gov waste…or making American kids healthy...or keeping our service members alive.
“They clapped for Ukraine. Only Ukraine.”

The applause didn’t last long, of course, and President Trump called them on it. He even took a swipe at Pocahontas directly, which made the Dems hiss (and me laugh).

BTW, Pocahontas voted earlier on Tuesday against Sen. Tuberville’s Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. There’s a video of her on the Senate floor giving it a big old “thumbs down” that I’m sure we’ll see again.

Many of the Dems had dressed in yellow and blue to show their support for a Deep State-backed dictatorial regime led by a corrupt little gnome with “nasal allergies.” Yeah, right. “Allergies,” wink wink, nudge, nudge.

Between the yellow and blue and the Pepto-Bismol pink outfits and that one Dem with the purple hair…let’s just call it “colorful” and move on, shall we?

President Trump didn’t stint on his criticism of Biden’s record, and it was obvious that he didn’t really care about the hisses and boos from the Dem side of the House. In fact, early on he said what I think was the most important statement in a long, powerful speech:

"This is my fifth speech to Congress. I look at the Democrats in front of me and realize there's absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy, or stand, or applaud. Nothing I can do. I could find a cure to the most devastating disease that would wipe out entire nations, or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history, or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded, and these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and will not cheer, no matter what.
“It's very sad and it shouldn't be this way."

President Trump just told the entire world that he’s learned the lesson the Democrats have worked so hard to teach him:  namely, that they will oppose him, whatever he does. It’s been a running joke since 2015, but now I think the Dems are going to find out it’s not funny anymore—at least, for them.

This President knows he has a mandate from the American people. He knows he has to deliver on his promises. Most critically, he knows that he can count on ZERO support from the Democrats—so why bother trying?

Yes, the margins in both House and Senate are razor thin…for now. But with Pam Bondi and Kash Patel at Justice and FBI, that may not last long. All those impossible Social Security numbers for people over 110 ought to make the Dems nervous for their effect on the upcoming voter fraud investigations. And, if the Democrat’s efforts these last two weeks are anything to go by, they won’t be much if a threat to his agenda in the near future.

President Trump gave a strong, powerful speech last night. It was the speech of a man with a mandate and a plan, both of which he has. 

More importantly, it was a speech given by a man who has learned that trying to get his opponents to cooperate is simply a waste of time. So, why bother?

The Democrats have taught Trump well. Now they get to “enjoy” the results of that education.

I might pity them, but…nah. Why bother?