Focus on America to Host Eubank on Saturday

Alabama Legislative Watchdog Chair to speak on Alabama’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Focus on America to Host Eubank on Saturday

Focus on America (FOA) will host Ann Eubank during their March meeting in Huntsville. The meeting wil be Saturday, March 15 at The Livin’ Room, 2820 Governors Drive SW, Huntsville, AL 35805 from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM.

Eubank, the Chair of Alabama Legislative Watchdogs, will be discussing the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 in Alabama. She will address issues surrounding the possible unknowingly implemented portions of this Agenda through economic development initiatives, its constitutionality, and accountability to Alabama voters and taxpayers.

“Innovate Alabama bills have been passing since Barack Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), Eubank said. “Back since the UN created its 17 Goals initiative, the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,’ adopted by all UN Member State in 2015, including the U.S.”

“According to, the entire state of Alabama has become seven economic innovative districts. All the global groups are using the capitalized ‘Innovate’ to join together, Eubank continued.

“The Global ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ takeover of Alabama is happening.”

Focus on America is a grassroots movement inspired and compelled by our forefathers that encourages Americans to be informed members of their communities, to recruit, and develop candidates to restore God – given, constitutional guaranteed liberties, and to replace elected officials who do not represent their constituency or American values. FOA can be contacted via their website.

Ann Eubank is the Chair of Alabama Legislative Watchdogs, “the most conservative grassroots organization in Alabama.” She can be contacted through her Facebook page. Alabama Legislative Watchdogs can be followed on their Facebook page.